Ok, so my last rant was on Aspartame or sweet poison as I call it. Well this time I'm going to address Soy. Over the last few years, soy has been hailed as the new super food. You can get it everywhere, soy milk, tofu, soysauce, edamame, soynuts, etc...Soy has been praised as being able to fight cancer, help aid hotflashes plus more. And soy is probably capable of these wonderful things in small quantities however the problem is the average person is getting way too much of this in there systems and don't even realize it.
Soy or soy biproducts are easy to cultivate and thus are used in pretty much every product on the typical grocery store shelf. From chips to cookies, there are some type of soy letichin, soy protein, soy emulsifier, etc... used in the production of that goods. Moreover, the soybean has recently become one of the leading products being harvested as a GMO crop!
Now lets look at the reasons I am opposed to the magic "soy" bean!
Soy contains the following: GOITROGENS- These can decrease thyroid function and increase the possibility of depression.
HEMAGLUTININS- These can increase the likelihood of our redblood cells clumping together which can compromise blood flow and circulation in our systems( even to our brain)
PHYTATES- These can decrease mineral absorption, including absorption of the minerals calcium, magnesium,iron and zinc.
PHYTOESTROGENS- These can be productive or disasterous! They can be preventative of breast cancer in those who haven't reached menopause
they can increase the rate of tumor growth in women who already been diagnosed with estrogen dependent breast cancer.
Soybeans/ soy products have a substance that also mimics estrogen which is not beneficial for males!
With that being said, I use to be the #1 advocate for SOY MILK! Not anymore, if you want a good milk substitute, go with Almond Milk, Rice Milk, or Cashew Milk. These all taste pretty good and I don't really notice a difference. I haven't tried Hemp just yet but alot of people are jumping on that band wagon as well.
Maybe I'm a bit of a fanatic but always check the labels, if the product you are buying is made of some type of soy or soy biproduct, look for a substitute or just don't get it. TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE DYING OF STRANGE CANCERS AND STRANGE SICKNESSES!!!
Always try to buy organic and stay away from GMO foods.
Thanks for reading and remember "Health is Wealth!"